JSON Spec and Field Definitions
RETR pushes real estate agent contact(s) to your CRM via webhook using a JSON object, as defined below. It is highly recommended that you test your integration using a tool like Postman before using your export credits on your RETR CRM Carts.
Postman payload testing link: https://www.postman.com/lively-rocket-350714/workspace/retr-webhook-testing/request/23497644-d6b1a386-4a89-4000-8946-30250b8432ca?action=share&creator=23497644&ctx=documentation
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"NickName": null,
"FullName": "John Doe",
"Company": "ACME Realty",
"RetrProfileURL": "https://retr.app/Agent/Profile/1",
"Email": "JohnDoe@retr.app",
"Phone": "555-555-1212",
"BuyerCt_12Mo": 180,
"BuyerVol_12Mo": 114014071,
"LoanOfficerCt_12Mo": 59,
"LoanCt_12Mo": 127,
"LoanCt_Conventional_12Mo": 66,
"LoanCt_VA_12Mo": 51,
"LoanCt_FHA_12Mo": 1,
"LoanCt_LMI_12mo": 1,
"LoanVol_LMI_12mo": 345000,
"LoanCt_MMCT_12mo": 2,
"LoanVol_MMCT_12mo": 567890,
"SellerCt_12Mo": 10,
"SellerVol_12Mo": 14014071,
"Source": "RETR",
"Tags": "Virginia",
"ListName": "Virginia Agents",
"RETRAgentId": 1,
"ExportDate": "2/17/2024"
Data Fields
FirstName | First name |
LastName | Last name |
NickName | Nick name |
FullName | First name + Last name of contact |
Company | Company where contact works |
Phone | Mobile Number |
BuyerCt_12Mo | Number of buyer sides, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
BuyerVol_12Mo | Buyer side volume, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanCt_12Mo | Number of loans found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanOfficerCt_12Mo | Number of distinct loan officers utilized across all of this contact's loans, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanCt_Conventional_12Mo | Number of Conventional loans found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanCt_VA_12Mo | Number of VA loans found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanCt_FHA_12Mo | Number of FHA loans found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanCt_LMI_12mo | Number of loans in low or moderate income census tracts found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanVol_LMI_12mo | Loan volume in low or moderate income census tracts found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanCt_MMCT_12mo | Number of loans in majority minority census tracts found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
LoanVol_MMCT_12mo | Loan volume in majority minority census tracts found for this contact's purchases, in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
SellerCt_12Mo | Number of seller sides (aka listings), in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
SellerVol_12Mo | Seller side volume (aka listing volume), in the 12 months preceding the ExportDate |
Source | RETR |
Tags | Custom tags or labels for this contact separated by commas |
ListName | The name of the list the contact was exported from (if applicable) |
RETRAgentId | Unique Agent Id for this real etate agent contact |
RetrProfileURL | URL to access this contact's profile on RETR |
ExportDate | The date this date was exported. Useful for keeping track of how recent your data is |